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Marion Road Christian Church exists to glorify God through worship, sharing the Good News, developing disciples, and serving others.


We will become a light on the hill in southeast Rochester


  • We will be a multi-generational community of worshipers and learners who continue to build on a heritage of biblical truth that attracts people to new life in Jesus Christ.

  • We will serve our neighbors in need, near and far, being known for our generosity in sharing the Gospel and our material resources.

  • We will leverage our location in ways that will bless others, as good stewards of the building and property that are ours by God’s blessing.


There is one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


The Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.


In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, by his virgin birth, being both human and divine. We believe in his sinless life, in his miracles, in his vicarious atonement through his shed blood, in his bodily resurrection, in his ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in his personal and visible return in power and glory to rule forever.


Man was created in the image of God, that he was tempted by Satan and willfully sinned, resulting in death. Life and salvation come by grace through the blood of Jesus Christ. One becomes a follower of Jesus and receives salvation by obeying the Gospel: putting faith in Christ, repenting of sin, confessing Christ, and being baptized by immersion in water.


In the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life, and by whom the church is empowered to carry out Christ's great commission. 


In the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost--those who are saved will be resurrected to eternal life in the Kingdom of God, and those who are lost will be resurrected to destruction. 


In the Church of Jesus Christ, consisting of all Christians everywhere, and organized into local assemblies, called churches, overseen and shepherded by elders. We believe the church should meet together regularly for worship (including the Lord's Supper), fellowship, and teaching, fulfilling Christ's commission to make disciples. 


The history of Marion Road Christian Church runs parallel with the arrival of the first European settlers to this region in 1854. The newly-founded village of Marion became a preaching point for several years before the official organization of the Church of Christ in Marion in 1866. 


Led by Pastor Levan, services were held in the Marion schoolhouse until 1872, when a building was jointly built with a Baptist congregation. The two groups shared the facility until 1902, when it became solely owned by the Church of Christ. 


Many early pastors were shared with the Rochester Disciples of Christ. 


The original building served as the home of the congregation until 1980, when a second building was erected on the north end of the property and the original building was razed to accommodate a parking lot. 


In 2005, the church purchased, for the purpose of relocating and constructing, a 48-acre plot of land about two miles away on the northwest corner of the Marion Road exit of U.S. Highway 52.


After more than ten years of praying, planning, and fundraising, construction began in 2017, with occupancy in late 2018. The congregation voted to change its name from Marion Church of Christ to Marion Road Christian Church as it moved to the new location. 


We are a multi-generational family, who want to love others as Jesus did. We intentionally invest in the lives of our children and youth, providing numerous opportunities for all ages to learn and grow in their faith.


We'd love for you to join us!


We are a non-denominational body of believers, dedicated to sharing the Good News about Jesus with our neighbors--local and global.




4051 50th Ave SE

Rochester, MN 55904


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